Only I would have a good time 'blogging' about this kind of thing . . .
I married into a family that loves to save things;
old, new, gift, hand me down, inherited, or just something they have gathered along the way.
While Micah and I were in California visting for the Christmas holiday the family deceided it was a good time to through the Smith Family Storage unit and do some housekeeping!!
Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to see some of the things I saw!
My In-Laws are the most amazing people -
They have saved their wedding gifts from 30+ years ago (still in the original package might I add). . .
My Father-In-Law saved every Boy Scout, Church, Hunting,Tool Manual from the day he acquired it.
My Mother-In-Law has saved EVERY drawing, colored picture, and school award for every one of her childern.
In prepartion for the future; Mom, Dad and the three kids got together to help manage and clean the storage unit. With that being said - in the future if it is ever questioned I wanted to document that everyone was present and accounted for and make special note that Debbie said she would go through those wedding gifts and find them all a new home and that Ken in fact donate his reading materials to a good cause!