Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Kaylab's First Day of School

Kaylab and I were sitting at the dining room table this morning waiting for it to be time to take him to school.  While I was waiting I was playing with my new camera and I came across this way cool feature.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Welcome Kaylab

  • Birth Date: December 8th
  • Age: 12 years old
  • 6th grader at Buffalo Point Elementary
  • Hometown: St. George, Utah
  • Favorite Sport: Football and Basketball (hoping to join the Syracuse Storms and Jr Jazz)
  • Favorite Color: Pink
  • Favorite Movie: Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief
  • Favorite Book: Percy Jackson the Labyrinth
  • Hobbies: Skateboarding, Basketball, Football, spending time with Family and Friends, Loves animals and Wii.
  • Favorite Food: Chinese- Orange Chicken
  • Favorite Holiday: Halloween
  • Least Favorite food: Squash and Beets
  • Favorite Season: Winter and Summer
  • Favorite Subject in School: History
  • Favorite TV Channel: Anything that shows the Simpson's

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Sam Gets a New Room

With sooo many changes going on Micah and I decided it would be best to give Sam the room that he would never have to share; however, the ultimate goal is to give him his own bedroom with bathroom downstairs.

In the meantime, here is a freshly painted and decorated room for him to enjoy.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sam's Court Review

We managed to make it another 90 days before any changes will be made - WE HOPE!!  Right now we are working with everyone we can to make the BEST decision for Sam and his welfare.

We sat in the court hearing for nearly an hour and it felt like I had been in there all day . . . the end result is that once we have reached a mutual agreement nothing can be changed and if that is not possible the judge will be meeting with us again to help determine the best placement for Sam.

When Micah and I got involved in this program of helping youth I don't think we honestly thought about the connection and love we would have for these youth.  And from the moment I heard the news about Sam possibly leaving our home I have been an emotional WRECK . . .  

We spoke again about guardianship and have found a gentleman who is going to find the answers to some questions we have and help us make arraangments that will benefit Sam in the long run. It is also very important to Micah and I that we first communicate with Sam's parents and have their support, afterall, they are his parents for time and all eternity.

We will keep you posted on the events . . .

Monday, March 8, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Brennick's Bapatism

Today we went to Brennick's Baptism . . . the last few days have been extremely stressfuland it was a nice time away from the house to not have to think about all the events of our personal life and focus on Brennick.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Thank You

I just wanted this time to say Thank You  
to the ladies in my neighborhood who have been 
such a great support the last few days with all the drama in my life.

Last night I was having probarly one of the 'worst' days in my whole life and it seemed that no matter what I said or did nothing was going my way -And the worst part of it all was that it was something I had no control over.

I just wanted to publicly thank you for being there for me and sending such great support through your text messages and telephone calls. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Can Sam Come Out and Play!?!?!?

There is nothing better than the bitter patter of little feet coming to the front door and lite knocking sound from one of the small children of the neighborhood asking
"Can Sam Come Out to Play?!?!"

This afternoon we had received some bad news and it was the perfect timing that Jaylen and Ayden came over to ask Sam if he would play football with them.  So off we went outside  . . . No I did not play football, but I did take a chance to go outside and play with this new camera of mine and see what I could do without having any working knowledge of how it functioins.  Not to bad if I do say so myself.

Monday, March 1, 2010

It's Been One Hell of a Day

I thought today would start out being better than the day before . . . BOY WAS I WRONG!

After having 'one of those days' yesterday I was looking forward to the meeting Micah and I had this morning in regards to Sam.  Little did I know that I was about to be knocked of my seat and hit by a moving semi-truck going about 80mph . . . OK not literally but it sure felt like it!

During this meeting Micah and I learned that his case manager was wanting to send Sam into an Indepent Living Program that would give him an apartment like setting that would help ease him into his own apartment!  Sounds great . . . right!!  What we came to learn was that this apartment like setting would last about three to six months before Sam would be removed from the program and sent to live on his own.

Soooooooo NOT goona happen so long as I am alive!  This young man is 17 years old (turning 18 in July) and has another year of high school left before he graduates.  I can totally understand having a young man in states custody who appears to be ready to move out on his own and WANTS to move out on his own, but what about a young man who is not ready and is NOT ready to move on his own.

Micah and I are besides ourselves trying to figure out what we can do to help this young man be successful in high school and in is future.  We were given two options move him to the new placement ASAP (in the middle of his 3rd quarter) to Orem or Ceder City or take legal guardianship of Sam.

We are feeling preassured to make the decesion to take guardianship, and by all means we do NOT want this young man to feel the preassure of being an adult so soon, but being a guardian can be more than we ever thought about.

Stay Tuned more to follow next week on the 8th.