Sunday, February 28, 2010

Boys Off to Church . . . .

We were just about to walk our the door for Church - A first that we were already to walk out the door on time!  I just had to take a picture of my boys looking' all sharp on their way to church!

Today, Sam and Micah prepared and blessed the Sacrament together and as I was sitting there thinking how much each of them means to me. I  have never been one of those overly emotionally and say I - Love -You and Hugs and Kisses kind of gal, but there is something special about Sam and Micah and what they mean to me and what they both have brought into my life. 

And Jon . .  Well the last seven weeks have been an eye opening experience for me!  I thought some days that we were going to have a knock down, drag it out kind of fight, but there are also those days that I look at him and I think of how far he has come in those seven weeks!

He is not the same shy and quite young man who walked into my door and barely said hello. In fact, he shared his testimony earlier in the month and I can not beleieve how many people stopped me to ask if he was my son and said how wonderful it was to hear him.  And I was so proud to say Yes he is!

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