Sunday, February 28, 2010

Boys Off to Church . . . .

We were just about to walk our the door for Church - A first that we were already to walk out the door on time!  I just had to take a picture of my boys looking' all sharp on their way to church!

Today, Sam and Micah prepared and blessed the Sacrament together and as I was sitting there thinking how much each of them means to me. I  have never been one of those overly emotionally and say I - Love -You and Hugs and Kisses kind of gal, but there is something special about Sam and Micah and what they mean to me and what they both have brought into my life. 

And Jon . .  Well the last seven weeks have been an eye opening experience for me!  I thought some days that we were going to have a knock down, drag it out kind of fight, but there are also those days that I look at him and I think of how far he has come in those seven weeks!

He is not the same shy and quite young man who walked into my door and barely said hello. In fact, he shared his testimony earlier in the month and I can not beleieve how many people stopped me to ask if he was my son and said how wonderful it was to hear him.  And I was so proud to say Yes he is!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Off to the Dance with Sage . . . .

So 'Preference' is the formal Girls asks Guys version of Prom!?!?

Once again I took a few pictures with my new camera that I had no idea how to use;I had just got it maybe a few hours before Sage arrived!!!

Don't they look so cute!!  I don't know who was more nervous; Sage was shaking like a leaf and Sam could not sit still waiting for her to arrive. 

Sage had gone with is to find a tie to match her dress and she had gone to the same place to get his boutonniere so they had matching flowers and looked like they had planned this months in advance.

Sam got home at nearly 3am the following morning; after the dance they went to a friends house to have ice cream and wind down after the dance.  He said they had a great time - I can't wait to see the pictures from the dance!!!!!!
It took us nearly two weeks to get Sam ready for the dance; new suit, new shirt, shoes, belt and socks.
And it didn't stop there - 
We also had to find the perfect tie, a matching hanky for his suit jacket and a corsage for his date.  
Here are just a few snap shots of me playing with my new camera of Sage's corsage.  
I just have to say they told me it was going to be white roses with baby's breath 
and I was not to thrilled, but when we arrived he corsage was white roses and orchids.  
And of course we got matching teal ribbon and added some black jewels to give it a little bling-bling.

Sam getting Ready For Preferance

Here are a few snap shots of getting Sam ready for the dance; 
He was having a bad hair day so I was attempting to try to help him out.
Note my new hair cut

Happy Birthday Jenn

Today the girls and I went out, after I got my hair cut and had lunch for Jenn's Birthday.  
Had a great time ladies - Thanks!! 

My New Haircut . . . . I LOVE IT!!

I have had about enough of it with my hair . . . 
I had truly wanted to donate it to a good cause, but the truth is 
in order to donate it I need 12 inches of curly hair and I had about 10 inches!

Thanks to my favorite hair lady, Jami I did it!  I cut it off and this is the new me!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Jon's Birthday Party . . Oh What a Night!

Before you ask . . . Yes that is a rice crispy cake!!!

I was trying to think of something creative and fun to do for Jon's birthday and a traditional birthday cake did not sound like that much fun.

So six bags of marshmallows later, 3 sticks of butter and something like 30 cups of rice crispy's later here is the final result . . . and anyone that knows me know that I have NOT been always successful at making this American snack, but the stars must of been aligned that day because it turned out and was a HUGE success!

Jon's Birthday Party . . . Singing with the Wii

Jon's Birthday Party . . Sam and his Friends Celebrating!!!

Sam also had a few friends over that evening; 
seems to me anytime there is Pizza, Soda, Candy and Cake the kids will come out of the wood-work!

Jon's Birthday Party . . Celebrating with Friends

It's been a while since I was in High School, but I never recall doing some of the things I saw tonight!  

Yes, there are worse things these young people could be doing . . . 
However, Tiffany and I witnessed some rather odd and funny behavior!  Most of these shots were taking during the time were they decided they wanted to see who could eat the most pixie sticks in one sitting and who could chug the most soda at one time.  I told you 'odd behavior', but it was enjoyable to watch.

Jon had a good turn out for his birthday party; A huge thanks to:  Spencer, Nicole, Robert, Miles, Katie, Janni, Zach and  Quad, Jordan and Jacob, and Tyson.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Boozer the Attack Dog

When we got Boozer aka Ozzie from his original owner she said that he loved to carry this bunny around -
little did we know the bunny was his own size, but he sure does love to play with it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy 16th Birthday, Jonathan!!

Today is Jonathan's 16th Birthday  - 
Wishing him all the very best on his special day!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Jon's 16th Birthday Invite


          Lights . . . Camera . . . and Action!
Join us for
16th Birthday
Friday, February 26th
5:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Rumor has it that a 16th Birthday is something of a big deal; and since Jonathan is not only new to our home and celebrating this big birthday - Micah and I wanted to make sure he had something he would remember. So in honor of his birthday we are celebrating his birthday with a Movie's and a night filled with Wii. 

Sunday, February 14, 2010

All About My Husband, Micah

1. What is he doing? He is at work; I can't wait until Jazz season is over!

2. What dressing does he get on his salad? Lately we are eating 'healthy' so he has been using a lot of fat free.

3. What's one food he doesn't like? oooohhh ewwww Lima beans . . .

4. What does he say his first impression of you was?

5. Drink he orders every time you are out? Water or a Dr Pepper and/or Coke

6. Where did he go to high school? Paso Robles High School in Paso Robles, CA

7. What size shoe does he wear? I soooo hate shoe shopping with this man! Depending on the shoe and the show style it could be a 9, 9.5 or a 10 - it also depends on how the 9.5 W fits!

8. If he was to collect anything what would it be? Firefighter stuff, tools, anything that drives me nuts

9. What is his favorite type of sandwich? Anything with lots of meat - preferable Roast Beef

10. What would he eat every day if he could? Steak

11. What is his favorite cereal? Fruity or Coca Pebbles with whole milk!

12. What would he never wear? Hummmm faded jeans - as in the kind that look like they are 5 years old and have small holes in them and they are BRAND NEW!

13. What is his favorite sports team? He only watched basketball; so the Utah Jazz

14. Who did he vote for? McCain - was there any other choice?!

15. Who is his best friend? Me..

16. How did he meet you? I was his sisters best friend in high school - His version of the story; I followed his sister home one day and he decided to keep me!

17. What is something you do that he wishes you wouldn't do? Spend money . . . Compulsively clean . . .worry about the things I can not control.

18. How many states has he lived in? California and Utah!

19. What is his heritage? Scottish

20. You bake him a cake for his birthday; what would it be? Does a fat boy like cake?? He likes it all!

21. Did he play sports in high school? No sports unless Band is a sport?

22. What could he spend hours doing? Hanging out in his garage - tinkering with things

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Church Basketball - Trailside Ward

Playing Football with the Neighbors

After playing church basketball Sam and Jon went outside to play football with some of the neightborhood guys; the funny part of this is that none of these boys even live at the house where they are playing!!  Sadie you are such a good neighbor to let these boys rough house it in your yard.

Watching these guys play outside made me look forward to the 
Spring and Summer days that are not too far away!

Heritage Makers Party

Tonight I had my neighbor and friend over to talk about her new project.
Michelle a consultant for Heritage Makers 
which is an online based scrap booking website that allows you to create
invitations, posters, wall art, cook books, and scrapbooks without having to pull out 100 items to create one page.  It is all done from your computer, saved for a lifetime and accessible from anywhere.
Check her website out for your free accounts  at

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jon + Gym = Injury

The boys decided that they wanted to start working out in the gym after school a few days a week - 
Sounds great to me.

Until I get a call the first day from Jon asking me to come get him from school, apparently he trip and fell during his workout and cut his knee open - Six stitches later here we are.  I am so glad that Micah is an EMT/ Firefighter becuase when I looked at it I thought he would be ok and no stitiches would be needed.  

Of course I was also grossed out within seconds of seeing it and just wanted him to cover it up!

Sam says "Yes to Preference!"

So Sam was asked to Preference by a young girl named Sage; and Sam was thrilled to say "YES!"

The following few days after he was asked we spent hours searching the interent for clever ideas to say yes and thinking of cute riddle and rythms.  As I have said once before I am a naive California wanna be mom who has no ideas or creative to WOW a young lady.  So off we went to Wal-Mart in search of the perfect item.

Here is the fun part - her favorite color DARK Purple and Yellow and her favorite animal a PIG . . . .  Here we are among the Valentine Season looking for Purple and Yellow Pigs!  Sam ended up finding this super soft and cuddly pink/white puppy that he thought she would enjoy.  OK so now what!?!?  

My BIG IDEA; tie a note to it that reads 
'Just like a Puppy follows you home from school I would love to Follow You to the Perferance Dance!'
I told you it has cheeseball written all over it, but come on people it is Sam and he can do cheeseball and still have all the ladies ewwww and awwww all over him.  So off we went to find her house.

Sam and I load up into the truck with GPS in hand and locate the neighborhood - CHECK!
And after 10 or 20 minutes or trying to read house numbers in the the dark we locate the house.
Sam takes the puppy, the note attached to a long piece of yard with the BAIT attached;
Chocolate - CHECK!

He leaves the chocolate on the door and runs the long piece of yarn to the side of the house - did I add to the dark side of the house where no young lady should ever venture out alone.  Knock Knock at the door.  There is no answer . . . . .  again he knocks at the door and rings the doorbell . . . . off he runs to hide with the puppy.  The door is answered by not one girls, but two and than three and followed by a fourth!

The young lady, I am guessing by now who is Sage tugs on the yarn . . .  it has snagged on the nearby shrub and did I mention Sam is not holding the yard or the puppy it is attached to.  BIG TROUBLE!!  Another tug and before we know it she has the ball of yarn in hand.  No puppy and no note!  YIKES!!!  
And before we know it they have all returned into the house empty handed.

Sam than places the puppy with the note on her door step - - - -> rings the doorbell and runs out of control to get into the truck where we watch from a neary by neighbors house.  
Shortly thereafter he receives a text message from Sage that reads " :)!!!!!!!!!!!"

Monday, February 8, 2010

Sam Gets asked to Preferance

Here we go AGAIN!  
It is another Girls asks Guys dance; 
and lucky me I have one of the most charming young men of Syracause High school living with me!

This evening there is a knock at the door and Micah walks in holding a pinata for Sam!?!?  
I don't understand this whole Utah thing of asking in code and replying in a riddle. . . .  

Help me anyone . .  I am a naive California wanna be Utah Mom trying to help this young man say "YES!!!!"