Sunday, July 18, 2010

Kaylab was Ordained to the Office of a Deacon

Today, Kaylab was ordained to the Office of a Deacon and he asked Sam to set him apart this afternoon.  It was hard to figure out who was more nervous; Kaylab about not knowing what to except or Sam who was having to remember what his part was going to be.  Micah quickly reminded Sam that it was not him that needed to know what to be said, but the Spirit would give him the words  . . .  

As I was sitting there the only thing that I kept hearing over and over was that Kaylab needed to take what he has been through in his life and use it to do better in his future.  It was significant to me that Sam who is someone who is such an excellent example of someone who has lived a rough life and has been able to identify it has one of his strengths.

I was thankful that Kaylab asked Sam to set him apart - secretly I hoped that Kaylab would ask Micah, but it is difficult for Kaylab to build and maintain relationships with any adult.  I can only imagine how hard it must be for someone who has been what he has been through.

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